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The tithes and donations you make to Mayfield Church make a difference to our church, our community, and the people around the world.


There are various ways you can donate:






Contributions may be placed in the baskets near the exits after the 9:30 and 11 AM services.


Mayfield Church

7747 Mayfield Rd.
Chesterland, OH 44026


Electronic Fund Transfer
For more information, please email Darlene Janke or call 440-729-4006 x106.



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Mayfield United Methodist Church

7747 Mayfield Road

Chesterland, OH 44026


440-729-4221 (fax)

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©2024 by Mayfield United Methodist Church. The information on this site is the property of Mayfield Church.

No broadcasting or duplication of any sermons are allowed without permission from Mayfield Church.

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