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Monthly Mission Focus

"Hands That Serve"

Every month, Mayfield highlights a different mission area through prayer and financial support. Below are a few ministries and organizations we have supported in the past.

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The Mustard Seed Fund supports group and individual mission and service efforts by providing “seed money” so our congregation can respond to God’s call in our community. The Mustard Seed Fund will support monthly mission opportunities, which will give church members and friends the opportunity to serve in hands-on ways in the community.


The Mustard Seed Fund also helps fund our church’s “Helping Hand Fund,” which allows our pastors to meet emergency needs in our congregation and the community. Through Mustard Seed giving, we can plant small seeds and allow the Holy Spirit to grow them.



Our Guatemala Mission Team supports Catalyst Resources International’s (CRI) orphanage and feeding program. CRI is a Christian organization run by the Greene family who moved from Kentucky to Guatemala after traveling there on a short-term mission trip. The Greene family have made it their personal mission to host teams from all over the United States year-round. CRI has many working parts in their community of the greater Mexico area, two of which are caring for orphaned children and feeding
hundreds weekly. 


Mayfield Church has sent over 50 individuals to Guatemala over the past ten years on a variety of mission trips. Over the years our teams have participated in projects, including building houses, funding a cochlear implant, building a church,

running Vacation Bible School, helping with feeding programs, and assisting in the orphanage.

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Mayfield Church has been in partnership with Bethel Church, in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, since 2014 in supporting the Emsizini secondary school, located in Kensington, Zimbabwe. In this partnership, Mayfield Church has supported many capital improvements, school programming and equipment, and also sending members on six mission trips.


Some of the items we have focused on are painting and repairs in the classrooms, chaplain’s house, and lavatory buildings. Also, floor tiling in the science laboratory and installation of security bars for the boarding house. Additionally, we would like to support the school with funds for masks and other personal
protective equipment. Cost estimates for these projects is $8,000.



At home and around the world, our congregation and others are helping impoverished communities with the basic tools they need to sustain themselves and their families.


Contributions to Tools and Blankets mean that Church World Service is there for the long haul as families recover from a disaster, re-establish, or struggle against grinding poverty, as they seek to develop viable, sustainable communities and livelihoods.


Each year, through your contributions, you and others in our congregation make this ministry of hope a reality for people in need. For more info about Church World Service, visit

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The Moms Group at Mayfield Church focuses on “growing our faith, encouraging one another in motherhood, and serving our community.” Continuing this year, we will be serving the community through support of foster and kinship families.


One of our key initiatives is The Cleveland Angels Love Box Program, which allows us to walk alongside children in the foster care system and their caretakers, by offering consistent support through intentional giving and relationship building. Each month, we will deliver a Love Box to our family with much-needed items or take our family on a fun outing.




The Nehemiah Mission of Cleveland serves low-income persons and neighborhoods by providing community enhancement home maintenance and targeted program for refugees, elderly, disabled, and those without shelter food & clothing.
Nehemiah is always welcome to donations. Please mark the items "Nehemiah Missions" and drop them off in the church office.




-Baby formula

-Ladies undergarments

-$10 gift card for food or gas


-Fabric (for Sewing Ministry)



Video Recap: You can see the video showcasing Mayfield’s ministry at Rowland the last school year and you can watch it above!

Thank you for your support!

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