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Servant Volunteers


Ushers and Greeters

Welcome those walking through the doors with a smile, a handshake, or a greeting on Sunday mornings! Please reach out Cindy Myers to learn more about how to get involved.


Fellowship Hour

Would you like to help by preparing healthy options and helping during Fellowship Hour after the 9:30 or 11 AM services? If so, please contact the church office.


Nursery and Childcare

Do you love to take care of babies and children? This ministry is so helpful for young parents and their children. Contact Jessica Martz if you would like to help!


The Rock Sunday Worship @ 9:30 AM

In Matthew 18, Jesus tells us to have a childlike faith. A great opportunity to learn about this type of faith is by helping with lessons or by leading small groups with our first through fifth graders.


Youth Group

If you want to feel young again, our youth have plenty of energy to help! Contact Pastor Beth if you would like to volunteer during youth events or Bible studies.

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